Monday, October 8, 2018

Things are going well in my new area

Monday October 8, 2018


Conference was a great experience as always, we got to watch in English, which made it not be a headache for 8 hours, we were all happy about that, especially because we had two new missionaries with us.
This week was a whirlwind I tell ya.  We had tons of running around and planning and conferences and fun adventures.
First off, the ward is incredible.  They are the most organized and devoted members i have ever known to missionary work.  They have ward missionaries that actually go out and proselyte on their own and find us investigators.  
Everyone here is also very extremely wealthy.  We are in the wealthiest part of the mission.  There is a community here (like the heritage village, but MUCH larger) that has its own mall, gas station, and tons of parks and waterfalls.  it is its own little city.
Our mission leader is a beast.  He is a federal judge here, and when he´s not doing that, he is training other people to be judges in courts of law.  On Sunday we ate with him and he made us tacos and then told us in a quite normal sounding tone ¨oh, also, we were in Costco yesterday and we bought you guys four boxes of cereal, they´re right here. ¨ And just handed us four large boxes of cheerios.  The best!  Mom, dad, you guys do not have to worry about us here they treat us rela well.
My companion is named Elder Hall.  He does not have a lot of time in the mission left, but we think he will finish his mission in another area, or spend his 3 remaining changes here.  He is weird, not gonna lie, but we don’t fight nor disagree.  We also live in a house of 4, and the other missionaries are BEASTS.  I love these guys.  Because we all get along so well it is really easy to unwind at the end of the night, so everything is going really well here in our little house.
Also what the heck with two-hour church? My first thought that came to my head was telling my kids ¨well, when I was your age, we went to church for THREE hours, EACH WEEK.¨ I sure am excited and it is quite obvious to tell that the prophet is getting us geared up for something big coming up.
I love you guys! This is a huge email so I wont blame ya’ll for not reading it all but just keep up the good work and look back on conference if you need some revelation and inspiration

-Elder Smiley

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Great family in my new area

I love these Elders

Sleeping arrangements when you lock the keys in the storage room.
so real quick let me tell ya’ll a hilarious story

So we went with the assistants to the offices one day, knowing we were gonna have to spend the night with them.  What ended up happening was that other elders took the assistants keys to open a storage room, and locked the door on their way out... with the keys inside!  So you guys are gonna see an image of us on the floor with play mats and one mattress as a pillow for the 5 of us, because the keys locked in the storage room also had the keys of the assistant´s house, so we spent the night in the offices with the assistants!

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