Monday, February 11, 2019

Great week in Mexico, and not just the weather

Monday 11 February 19
“Pues, pues, pues”

That is a Spanish joke.  Pues is used to say stuff like well.  But not well as in good but like when we wanna say stuff like ¨well, maybe. ¨ or ¨well, what do you wanna do?¨  
So we were saying the phrase ¨well, well, well.¨ And making jokes and stuff waiting for our interviews with president, and this kid who hates language study just says ¨pues, pues, pues¨. And it has been a joke ever since. Poor kid.

Anyway. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT WEEK!! We put two fechas down for this Friday and will probably have 3 more for next week!  This is so awesome I don’t even know how to feel!  This area and work and lifestyle has been so crazy and such a contrast to the rest of my mission.  We are just juggling so many people with potential! I love it!

So we got Silvina and Hector.  Silvina is the mother and Hector the kiddo.  Silvina is this humble, extremely timid woman who hates speaking in front of others, so when we need to get an answer from her, we have to talk one on one without any of her extended family there.  But this week we got her to say that she will get baptized, but IF AND ONLY IF she passes the baptismal interview.  And we are going tonight to go over the questions and get her and hector ready to DIVE IN!!!!!!!!!

The next family is this guy named Alejandro, his wife Elizabeth, and their son Alejandro.  They have two other daughters who have crushes on us.  They're like 6 and 3.  Alejandra is this lit guy who feels a connection to the church and has this dark past he’s trying to leave behind.  I LOVE THIS GUY SO MUCH.  we connected super well and I remember he kind of left Elder Weech in the dust sometimes and made him feel really bad for his Spanish.  Kind of direct, kind of a jerk, but SO AWESOME AND SO PREPARED.  We are getting that family in the water quite soon.

i am learning an ancient language called Nawatl.  It is so lit and we are learning little phrases bit by bit and it is so much fun.

Thanks for the support and congrats if you made it all the way to the end of this email, you survived! I love you guys, I love the mission, and I love God. In case I don’t see ya, Good morning, good evening, and good night!

-Elder Smiley

Look at Mark's "Cowboy Companion"  

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