Friday, April 10, 2015

A great week in Spain

What a calm week. Super tranquilo! It was semana santa. Everyone gets out of school and it is super calm. 
Imma need to make it brief.
Salvatore came to conference twice and loved it. Things with his girl are a bit rough and so he can´t really move out and he still needs a bit of time to repent. We changed the fecha to the 25 of April. He is loving the church even with his background.
Gloria, our notorious 80 year old friend, came to conference. She is extremely catholic and told us that everything she heard was pretty much stuff she already knew. She´ll be a bit tough. We love her though and she thinks we are super guapo too.
Joaquin and Andrea. Struggling a bit this week. Really busy and last minute cancelled on conference. That was a bit rough but we shake it right off.
They are coming along and they will be rocks.
Monica. She is making me a bit frustrated. She fired on us again. She really needed this conference to get a testimony of the prophet. Dang her!!!
Last is Marcel, We found him last week on a train. He came to conference. He loved it. WE are going to meet him right now. He is a boss. I love all of you and wish the best to all of you!
This week looks like it is going to be a blessed week! We already loving it! Especially after a blessed preparation day like that!
Thank you for your prayers and support! I hope that with the power and miracle of prayer will help our friends gain a testimony of the restored gospel.
I love all of you and wish the best for everyone of you!
Élder Smiley

Let´s go baptize the world!
The only biking done on a mission in Spain

He's got the whole world in his hands...

Ya, but it's a girl bike!!

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